Pistachio nuts

Pistachio nuts are one of the four nuts that have many properties for the body. Pistachio is the fruit of the pistachio tree. These nuts are usually green and slightly sweet. On the Farmidarana site, we will examine the properties of pistachio nuts.


Pistachio nuts:

Pistachio nuts are one of the four nuts that have many properties for the body. Pistachio is the fruit of the pistachio tree. These nuts are usually green and slightly sweet. On the Farmidarana site, we will examine the properties of pistachio nuts.

Appearance characteristics of pistachio nuts:

Pistachio nuts can have different colors, from yellow to green. Pistachio has its own color and it is a combination of green color, which is called pistachio nut green. The main origin of the pistachio tree is from West Asia, and archaeologists believe that pistachios have become an important food since 7000 BC.

Pistachio nuts were imported to the United States in the mid-19th century, and commercial production began in the 1970s.

There are two types of pistachio nuts, roasted and raw. But its raw type has more properties. Salt is used to produce the roasted type, which is very harmful for people who have a history of heart disease.

Salt should be completely removed from the food basket. But we suggest you to roast a round of pistachios in the pan to kill the germs of raw pistachios. and lightly fry to kill its germs.

Acceptable pistachio nuts should be of medium quality, dry and mostly green (old nuts are often yellow), contain no dust or foreign additives, and have a good smell and taste.

It should be noted that pistachio nuts from the harvest of the previous year may be mixed. Pistachio nuts from last year's harvest tend to stink and be attacked by cockroaches.

Roasted and salted nuts can be stored under cool, dry, well-ventilated conditions for three weeks or a little more in winter. If the maximum storage period is exceeded, the quality may deteriorate, for example loss of bright green color and swelling.

Nuts are used as a seasoning (for meat and sausage products) or as a flavoring in confectionery and chocolate, bakery products and ice cream.

Pistachio nuts are sold fried and salted with the shell to be consumed as nuts, and also sold as whole for the oily substance of the nut.

Packing with air is ideal because pistachio kernels easily absorb moisture from the air, thus becoming soft and crunchy due to oxygen.


Properties of pistachio nuts for the body

• It has high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and potassium. • It has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties for the body. • Reduces your chances of cardiovascular diseases. • Rich in fiber, minerals that can help you control blood sugar, blood pressure and lower cholesterol. • They can help you manage your weight, as it is a nutritious and excellent snack for the body. • Some studies show that eating pistachios can reduce the amount of fat and sugar (glycemic index) in the blood, as well as improve the flexibility of the body and blood vessels.

Danger of pistachio brain for the body:

Although raw pistachios are low in sodium (1 cup has about 1 mg of sodium), roasted pistachios, which often contain salt, are higher in sodium. One cup of dry roasted and salted pistachios has 526 milligrams of sodium. Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Applications of pistachio nuts:

Pistachio nuts are used in making all kinds of drinks, including all kinds of smoothies, all kinds of shakes and concoctions. You can make an energy potion with pistachio nuts. Pistachio nuts are very useful for children and athletes. Be sure to give pistachios to your child in between meals.

What is the nature of pistachios?

The ancients have assigned the title of warm nature to energy-giving foods. With the same argument, it can be said that according to traditional medicine, the nature of pistachios is hot and dry. Even experts of traditional medicine consider pistachios hotter than walnuts. For this reason, eating a lot of pistachios is not recommended for people who have a hot and dry temperament.

What is the way to store pistachios?

The best way to store shelled nuts is to store them in the freezer to prevent the growth of aflatoxin mold on the surface of the seeds and nuts. Consumption of this mushroom is carcinogenic.

In this article, we discussed the most important ingredients and properties of pistachio nuts and checked that, despite the many benefits it has for the body, pistachio nuts can also be harmful to the body because they are roasted.

We also talked about how to store pistachios. The experts at Farmidarna are eagerly waiting to answer your questions about pistachio nuts.